Monday, December 22, 2008

Long Time, No Post

It's not like me at all to go a week without updating my blog. I've been tired, so very tired since my last chemo. And getting ready for Christmas has really wiped me out. It's an easy thing for everyone to say I'm doing too much, etc., but when you have kids, it all needs to get done. Gifts can't wait, cookies can't wait, and wrapping and everything else can't wait. We're really almost done - just a few things to wrap tomorrow from "Santa" and getting stocking stuffers together while Jackie is at school. Stef will be here to help.

We got FABULOUS news last week. We had our first consultation with the radiation specialist. Way back when I first got my biopsies after my mastectomy, at issue was the lack of clean margins to the skin level. Of course, not all the tissue can be removed below the skin and there was speculation that I would need another surgery to remove the skin on the right breast and graft tissue and skin from someplace else. This issue has been hanging over our heads since late August and finally, it's been addressed by the radiation specialist. He feels that the margins will be clear after 6 1/2 weeks of radiation. So no extensive reconstruction surgery. I'll just have to have my expanders swapped out for real implants. Ya Hoo!! This will knock a good 2 months off my recovery! I was so distressed and didn't know it until I was on the way to the appointment and started to cry. I didn't stop for quite awhile.

My plastic surgeon has refused to fill the expanders until I finish chemo. He said there's too much of a chance of introducing an infection despite the radiation specialist having no problem with the filling happening immediately. The skin needs to be stretched. Plus, I'm doing special exercises to work my right arm to get my flexibility back. I guess I'm out of luck in the expander department. Last chemo is January 20th and my planning and simulation appointment on February 2nd. There will only be enough time for one expansion since nothing can change after the simulation. Oh well, I'm just putting this worry into the Lord's hands and praying that everything will work itself out.

Jackie refused to tell Santa anything last week. She was petrified as soon as she saw him. However, we did write him a note and she managed to stretch an arm out to hand it to him. He gave her a bag of candy so she has decided that's Santa is not all bad. She just won't go anywhere near him at all! Both girls loved it last night when Santa came driving by on the fire truck. Sirens blaring, flashing lights - the works! Jackie is still trying to figure out how Santa can be on a pickup truck (for talking to the kids,) at the mall, and on a firetruck too. He's a busy guy!

Steffie asked Santa for world peace, an end to world hunger and a lip gloss. She's a mess :)

Got a blood count tomorrow. Looking SO forward to that (not really). One of the sweet vampires there gave me some topical cream to put on my arm 1/2 hour before the draw. I cry every time it hurts so bad so Muriel helped me out. Topical lidocaine - yay! I'm also supposed to put the stuff on my mediport before chemo. My port seems to be contrary right now. The nurses had some trouble drawing blood last chemo and it really hurt when they hooked up my IV. I'm using the lidocaine next time.

Seems weird to have a few extra days until my next chemo. I should've gone on Christmas but since I can't, it's bumped back to Tuesday since Jackie will be in school that day. 5/6 done next week. I'll relish those 4 extra days.

Be well everyone and Merry Christmas!!


Anonymous said...

World peace and lip gloss...who could ask for more?

Merry Christmas,

Sue in Italia/In the Land Of Cancer said...

So glad your back Sharon and with good news too-no more surgery-least the slicing and dicing kind.