Sunday, November 2, 2008


Halloween was so much fun! I think Halloween, next to Christmas, is one of the busiest day for parents. Last minute decorations, candy preparation, kid's excitement, and of course, trick or treating - it's so much to do. And getting the kids fed and ready to go takes an act of God. But we did it - Bill and I make a very big deal of Halloween for our kids.

We carved pumpkins Thursday night. I was really worried about my right arm. It just doesn't work the same way it did before. And inevitably, Jackie and Steffie will give me some terrific but difficult requests to carve. Both girls cut me some slack this year and Bill did Jackie's ghost pumpkin. So I only ended up carving 3 pumpkins. Steffie loves to scoop out and clean the pumpkins. Big help there!! I could just roll with carving. I had Jackie draw her "J" on a pumpkin and carved it as she drew it. This "J" pumpkin ended up having a place of great importance on the tree stump in front of the house. Right next to Eddie the skeleton.

I ended up getting annoyed with some site that wanted me to pay $7.95 for the stinkin template. I don't think so. I wanted wacky monsters so I hand drew it, modified so it wouldn't scare Jackie and carved away :)

Steffie really likes things to be scary of Halloween, of course until she actually gets scared :) She's such a cutie pie and such a drama queen. We had one of her girlfriends over to trick or treat with us. Pizza, costumes and fun! Then Bill and I took the girls out. We walked about 3 miles. And I shocked myself because I actually did it. Having no hair makes a body colder than usual. It's something that takes some serious getting used to.

Here's Steffie's pumpkin of a cute kitty. Bill's pumpkin: moon face and a bat.

And here's my girls. Jackie was Scooby and Steffie was Little Red Riding Hood (plus horns). Pictures just don't do Jackie's black eye justice. She bumped it again Halloween night and now she looks like a WWF wrestler :)

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