Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bunnies and snakes and birds - Oh My!

Jackie has an egg hunt at school today and since she's usually not a Weds. kid at school, we were frantically making a bunny ear hat for her to wear this morning. Cue her hatred of coloring. In the morning, this made for a nasty little miss.

However, she did color the inside of her paper ears pink with much coaxing. Then we put her ears together and took a picture for Daddy. Off she went, Easter bucket in hand, to school. This is a good day for her. Her buddy Lauren is there - they share part time status at preschool and rarely get to see each other.

Peace and serenity - Ahhhhh! Steffie last day of school before break is today so I expect Mount Vesuvius to erupt sometime this week. Got Chrissy here but she's chilling watching a movie. She's part of Vesuvius but she'll erupt when we get Steffie from school today. 3 rads to go!!

Stef needs to go for a fluoroscopy to shoot dye up into her bladder to check for reflux. The problem is that this procedure isn't normally done under sedation. After hopping through every hoop this morning, I finally got everyone's agreement (pediatrician, rad dept, and insurance) to get on board with my strong feeling that she needs to be sedated for this procedure. No child, especially one at her age, should go through the pain of being catheterized or the embarrassment of being awake during the procedure.

The tricky part will be scheduling this between her birthday (Tues) and practice (Thurs) and her birthday party and first softball game (Sat). I'm guessing she'll just need to flush her system really well and will be feeling perky the next day. She's on another antibiotic because the infection is back. Tracking down the cause involves one test after another.

A dear family friend has resolved my Daffodil issue. Vickie read my blog and tells me she has tons of daffodils in her gardens that I can come cut at will :) I'll be visiting her soon to pillage the daffodil supply. Hugs to you, Vickie, if you see this. And prayers for your Mom.

We've covered the bunnies. Let's move to snakes and birds.

Mom and Dad have, without a doubt, a sign over the front door that says "Enter all ye animals that have no other place to go." This includes wildlife. They've has opossum, birds, snakes, chipmunks, turtles, bunnies and squirrels in the house at various times of the years. This makes for much excitement, especially when the critter is alive. They've also got 3 dogs, 6 cats, 2 parakeets, and two fish ponds. It's a zoo.

So just this week, we've had one cat bringing in a live snake. And two live birds in the house. Of course, my uncle gets the snake in his rooms in the basement of the house because the cats come in and out his bedroom window. Dad's downtown, Mom is at the Sharon Spa (with me) and frantic phone calls from my uncle result in Dad calling Ethan, the kid who does odd jobs around the house. Ethan comes to rescue the snake and put him far away in the woods. This snake, I'm sure, is traumatized more from the hysteria than the cat.

The birds are a little easier because one just opens a window and prays the bird uses its bird brain to figure it all out. Dad and I were trying to figure out just how the birds got into the house. Assuming the cats, it appears that the birds were in there for awhile because Pop said there was birdy droppings under his desk.

Just like wild kingdom!

Update: Steffie won't be having the fluoroscopy. The rad dept Doc says she cannot put her asleep for it so it won't be happening. Not my kid, not on my watch. They'll have to address the whole thing another way. I'm pretty make that mad.

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